
CODA Italia (Children of Deaf Adults) and ‘an Association of Social Promotion born in Italy that deals with hearing children of deaf parents.

Among the activities proposed by CODA Italia  are provided primarily those times to increasing psychological and social hearing children of deaf parents of all ages, for example:
meetings, seminars, round tables, conferences; collaboration with other associations and the universities with regard to scientific research, to analyze the shape of CODA within the family and society and the various aspects including that the development of language, identity and everything related growing up in a bilingual environment often within two communities with different cultures.
For the little ones, the association offers and organizes activities
teaching, school and after-school care for the recovery to CODA; babysitting services performed on-site, or off, the Association; we have contacts with other associations CODA the world with which we promote cultural exchanges, following the example of some of them recommend CODA CAMP, experiences of summer camp for boys and CODA between 9 and 15 years.
The association CODA Italia is in favor of raising the use of Italian sign language and its recognition.


CODA Italia is an Association of Social Promotion that finances the operations with enrollments.

ORDINARY MEMBERS: hearing children of deaf people of all ages (for minors, parents will provide for them).

SUPPORTING MEMBERS: friends, relatives and all who wish to support the cause can contribute to the growth of this project.

It will be possible to enrolled at a distance. For more information you can send an email to the Association:


We are in via Nomentana 56, Rome, in the “Istituto Statale dei Sordi” at the 2nd floor.


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